There's apparently some sort of economic crisis brewing out there. While it probably should have, this fact had no effect on our recent decision to make cupcakes.
February 15. Our sugar-centric spending spree begins with the purchase of a "designer cupcake kit" distributed by Chronicle Books. Never mind asking what connection a publisher has to with home baking, the better question revolves around why otherwise intelligent adults would pay over 20 dollars for a box of paper cups. We then drove to Orson Gygi (some 40 blocks) for frosting tips and sprinkles. Just try and argue with the logic. Cost: about $15. And lastly... we swung by the grocery store on the way home for cake mixes (red velvet is GO!), frosting and cherries. Another ten bucks.
Tracy, Hailey, Evan and I decorated the batch you see here. (Can't remember where Eden was).
While some turned out nicer than others (ahem), they all tasted less garish than they look. Was it worth the almost $50? Probably not. Amusing enough to do again? Stay tuned.
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