Saturday, January 19, 2013

All about me...

Granted, it's a bit of a selfish thing... to make a whole post about myself. But I do have my reasons. Way back at the beginning of 2012, around the time of my 44th birthday, I made something of a public pledge to do a little more this year, to be a little better; to put up "better numbers"... Sorry, about the lame analogy. I guess I figure I owe you, or maybe me a report on the whole thing. How did I do? Certainly not perfect, maybe not even great... but better, I think. And I'm okay with that.

I lost almost 30 pounds and have kept it off for a year. Thanks Tracy, Weight Watchers and my shaky commitment to be a real "runner".
I drew a little more. Yes, still weird stuff. Thanks Apple and the guys who made Paper.

We ate a little better. Thanks Tracy, my mentor and kitchen guide. Also the kids and Mike and Zach... willing subjects in our culinary experimentations.
I fished a little more/better. Thanks to Nate, Alfredo, Ken, The McDreamy and one particular spot on the Middle Provo.
I was also blessed to spend another year with my absolute best pal, soul-mate, co-conspirator and partner in crime. We didn't read our scriptures every day, but we did make real progress and I/we could feel the difference.
Upcoming? Posts about baking, family trips and other life changing occurrences.

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