Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Hoping to maintain the appearance that we're still trying, Tracy and I recently strung together several productive hours in the back yard. The result? No silly, not a baby... A real, live garden.

We put one in last year as well, but it was a bust. We planted on the late side and the weather was just weird. Nothing quite turned out. No matter...

Amongst the flora we threw down:
Peas in a Pot (not the actual name, pictured top)
Basil (2 plants... Pesto, we know where you live)
Tomatoes (3 varieties including golden pear)
Pumpkins (a tradition... nay, a requirement at our house, 3 plants)
Mucho Nachos (actual name... i kid you not, pictured bottom)

We didn't plant this prickly piece of crap, but it's growing anyway. Across the the basketball court, right toward the house. It may take some time, but the outcome is clear. Unless I cut it back (I won't) this vine will eventually find it's way into our bedroom and choke me while I sleep.

Stay tuned. The results of this garden business will be documented.

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