Sunday, January 24, 2010

I do it myself

Besides being talented, funny and freckle-faced, Hailey is also always in a rush to move up and move on. When she was three she wanted to be five. When she was 14, she wanted to be 19. Come to think of it, she even tried to "get borned" ahead of schedule.

Thus it is today as well. As Hailey rounds the corner toward a degree in fashion design, she has enrolled in a class she probably shouldn't be taking just yet. In fact, the professor tried in vain to talk her out of it. The name of the course escapes me, but suffice it to say that it's the mother of all classes in this particular program. At the conclusion of the term she has to put on an entire show... herself.

Can she do it? Most likely... She's talented and has a real work ethic when she sets her mind to something. Am I worried? A little. As it turns out, there's an almost imperceptible line between pushing yourself and taking on too much too soon. Land on the right side of that line... voilĂ ... personal growth. The other side can be tough to bounce back from. I have faith in you Hailey. I just don't want to see something still developing, something still fragile, get broken.

PS - The sketch above was discarded by Hailey. I had to twice fish it out of the trash. It is posted without permission.


H.Rabdau said...

whoa hey... things could get ugly? and that was in the garbage for a reason.

Gma said...

Of course she will manage the couse just fine!